Friday, 8 March 2013

2013 Literature in English Poetry Prediction

1) Any one of Keat's poems- Mostly sonnets
2) Lawrence poem- Maybe Snake
3) Heaney- Potato Digging/Casualty
4)A Browning Poem
5) London vs Chimney sweeper by Blake

Any 3 of these are possible Q's. These are just predictions, so please do not take my word for it
I am just studying Blake, Keats, Lawrence & Heaney.

You can't win a gamble unless you gamble, can you now?


  1. Oh thank god. Yep, im going with the same idea...that's what our teacher predicted.
    Ditching Blake. Will study browning and his mad murderers instead :D

  2. Oh, and I must say it's marvelous that you are sharing your research and work with everybody, Really commendable. Props!

  3. Glad i could help. I've been selective studying for my school finals also and it worked out. Hope it does this time also

  4. But i dont have this chapters in our starlight book?
    Could you guess it out, that whats cumming from starlight..?
